Khamis, 14 Februari 2013

Kira-kira 1,000 Dijangka Tinggalkan Pas Menjelang Mac Dalam Program Selamat Tinggal Pembangkang

SHAH ALAM, 13 Feb –  Kira-kira 1,000 anggota pembangkang terutamanya Pas dijangka meninggalkan parti itu menjelang Mac ini dalam program Selamat Tinggal Pembangkang (STP) anjuran UMNO Bahagian Besut, kata Ketuanya Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh.

Beliau berkata jumlah itu adalah berdasarkan semakin ramai anggota Pas yangsudah mula hilang keyakinan dengan konsep perjuangan parti itu lebih-lebih lagiapabila sanggup menjalin pakatan dengan DAP yang ternyata tidak menerima negeri berkonsepkan Islam.

"Awal bulan ini kita telah terima hampir 400 anggota Pas majoritinya yang mahu menyertai UMNO selepas muak dan tidak boleh menerima pendekatan parti itu yang semakin menyimpang dari perjuangan Islam termasuk dalam isu berkaitan kalimah Allah," katanya di sini Rabu.

Idris berkata rata-rata penyokong turut melahirkan rasa keliru apabila melihat perjuangan Pas pada hari ini yang berbeza dengan matlamat asalnya termasuk menghalalkan wanita tampil berceramah mewakili parti itu.

"Dulu wanita nak masuk tilawah Al-Quran pun dihalang, dengan alasan suara aurat tetapi sekarang sanggup ambil artis wanita berceramah wakili mereka, apa sudah jadi?.

"Demi cita-cita mahu ke Putrajaya mereka halalkan semua, kalau nak sangat ke Putrajaya saya boleh sediakan bas, pergilah tak payah nak tunggu lepas pilihan raya," katanya.

Pada 5 Feb lepas, seramai 388 anggota Pas dan Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) menyertai Umno selepas hilang kepercayaan terhadap parti mereka dalam perhimpunan STP di Kampung Pengkalan Nyireh, Besut di Terengganu.

Beliau yang juga Anggota Majlis Tertinggi UMNO berkata penyertaan anggota parti pembangkang itu membuktikan UMNO dikagumi dan dipercayai kerana sentiasa konsisten dalam perjuangan yang tidak pernah terkeluar dari landasan agama.

"Baru-baru ini ada orang kuat Pas jumpa saya sembunyi-sembunyi dalam kereta beritahu sudah tidak tahan dengan perjuangan parti itu yang semakin lemah danjelas dipergunakan oleh pakatan lain termasuk DAP," katanya.

Idris berkata beliau percaya lebih ramai akan menyertai UMNO dalam masa terdekat dan ini merupakan petanda baik bahawa BN Terengganu semakin kukuh dan mantap di hati rakyat.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Program Turun Padang YAB MB ke Parlimen Larut pada 14 Feb 2013 (Khamis)

Jadual yang dirancang, tertakluk kepada perubahan.

9.00 pagi - Minum pagi dan walkabout di Pekan Selama.
10.00 pagi - Majlis perjumpaan bersama penjawat awam di Dewan Serbaguna IPD Selama.
11.00 pagi - Walkabout di Felda Ijok.
2.00 petang - Walkabout di Kg Baru Cina Redang Panjang.
2.30 petang - Lawatan ke tapak bangunan Pekan Baru Ijok.
3.00 petang - Walkabout ke tapak projek Arena Square Bt Kurau
3.30 petang - Majlis ramah mesra bersama rakyat di Mini Stadium Bt Kurau
4.15 petang - Majlis ramah mesra bersama masyarakat India di Padang Windsor Bt Kurau
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.


Right or wrong, whether PAS Syura Council discussed the issue or not, PAS cannot deny the growing dissent against the political relationship it has with DAP and PKR and most importantly support Anwar Ibrahim as Prime Minister.

Open protests calling for the party to cut ties with the other two opposition parties are now a norm and PAS leadership has no choice but to listen and make amends as its influence is eroding fast among the kampong people, the party's supporters who have been following blindly those days.

But these days, the kampong folks no longer follow the party blindly as they are educated or rather informed through the internet on the goings on and issues played up.

They know the demand and high-handed way DAP leaders such as Karpal Singh and Lim Guan Eng handle PAS leaders on issues involving the fundamentals of Islam.

They know Karpal and Guan Eng have been ridiculing their leaders and Islam and they are very surprise at the 'no respect' attitude of DAP leaders towards their leaders as well as Islam.

Not only that, even the PM post is dictated by DAP, not on concensus as PAS has always wanted the party president to be the Prime Minister, a post party members have dreamt off since the 50s.

PAS members who are the veteran fundamentalists have been struggling hard to have one of their own as Prime Minister and now, when they see Putrajaya is so near (that's the hopes of all in the opposition) and suddenly some one else hijack the position.

They are not that generous to allow that to happen and they would not want the individual whom they do not trust and of low moral to be in that position.

They know Anwar and they know how damaging it would be if he is the Prime Minister because the veterans know Anwar's character when they were together in ABIM and now in the opposition pact.

They know PKR is a party without ideology and concept…and they know PKR has no religious stand while Anwar is willing to sell everything just to be the Prime Minister.

Anwar is not PAS type of leader and his character is known to PAS veterans who always have reservations on his credibility and honesty as they now felt Anwar's 'hands' trying to steer the party to his benefits.

They see all this and they do not like it, not when they are on a winning streak. So they felt Anwar is not the man for PM post and they will not support DAP and PKR on this.

The situation may see PAS going to the general election on its own while DAP may just dump PKR to relase the party of excess baggage.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.