Jumaat, 6 Julai 2012
hArakah habis modal untuk hina Umno
Kononnya sekumpulan babi hutan telah menyerang bandar Kuantan sebagai bala kepada Pahang.
Pahang dikatakan telah membazirkan wang rakyat dengan menganjurkan Sukma. Kritikan parti Pasu ini mengukuhkan lagi bahawa semua aktiviti sukan yang digemari orang muda akan diabaikan.
Hari ini parti Pasu sering menganjurkan Futsal, Sepak Takraw dan beberapa jenis sukan lain bukannya ikhlas. Mereka hanya hendak menarik undi dan sokongan anak muda sahaja.
Bila mereka berkuasa, semua akan jadi haram dan membazir.
Parti Pasu juga telah lupa bala yang berlaku di Kota Bharu Mall yang mengorbankan beberapa nyawa. Adakah itu bala dari Tuhan?
Kejadian babi turun ke bandar adalah biasa kerana pembangunan. Bila kawasan yang menjadi sarang atau jerumun telah dibersihkan untuk pembangunan maka haiwan tersebut akan melarikan diri tak kira siang atau malam.
Di Taiping, babi hutan turun ke pinggir bandar adalah perkara biasa terutama kawasan pinggir bukit dan hutan. Zaman dahulu gajah, harimau pun sesekali terlepas ke dalam bandar. Apa nak heran.
So, hAraKah jangan lah jadi yahudi .
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Billion-ringgit boost for domestic investment
KUALA LUMPUR: PRIME Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday announced the setting up of a RM1 billion domestic investment strategic fund in a move to speed up the shift of Malaysian businesses into high value-added industries.
He also announced four other measures as part of a package of incentives to transform the domestic investment landscape.
“The private sector will be the main driver of the economy with the government’s increased focus on promoting domestic investments,” he said after launching the new Malaysian Investment Development Authority’s (Mida) building and new logo.
Direct domestic investments are targeted to account for 73 per cent of investments in the economy by the end of the decade, compared with the 56 per cent currently.
Najib said the fund, which took effect yesterday, would be managed by Mida.
“The package of assistance will be granted (to targeted industries) on a negotiable basis, based on the request of the companies and the merits of each case.”
He said it would also leverage outsourcing opportunities created by multinational companies (MNCs) operating in Malaysia and enable Malaysian-owned companies to secure international standards in strategic industries.
The government has also reintroduced an incentive for acquisition of foreign companies for their high technology, which would offer Malaysian-owned companies a “leapfrogging” approach to move up the value chain or diversify into new areas.
“This will facilitate innovation among Malaysian-owned companies.”
Under this initiative, the company — which must be 60 per cent Malaysian-owned, is eligible for an annual deduction of 20 per cent of the acquisition cost for five years.
Najib also announced several tax incentives to promote domestic investment.
For instance, Malaysian-owned manufacturing companies that are already in operation for a year or less and undertaking activities under the Promotion of Investments Act are now eligible to apply for tax incentives.
Tax incentives for small Malaysian-owned companies are also enhanced for those increasing the eligibility of shareholders’ funds threshold from RM500,000 to less than RM2.5 million.
A special tax rate is also
introduced to encourage small Malaysian service providers to merge into larger entities to build up the competitiveness of the smaller entities, as with the liberalisation of the services sector.
International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed said the latest slew of measures and incentives should correct the misplaced perception that a lot of incentives were doled out to foreign investors only.
“It is the most comprehensive by far, in terms of incentives to stimulate domestic investments.”
Of the total RM155 billion in investments approved in all sectors last year, including manufacturing and services, 56 per cent came from domestic sources.
"FDIs will continue to remain important in terms of the capital, technology and new skills provided, which will help our economy achieve the growth target."
Apart from its 24 overseas offices, Mida has offices in every state except Perlis, to assist investors. The swanky, RM230 million new Mida office in Sentral, now houses 740 employees.
Mida chief executive officer Noharuddin Nordin said the fund was an investment promotion incentive and not a grant.
The National Committee on Investment will decide on the applications which can be done by new and existing companies in priority sectors which include aerospace, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, advanced electronics, machinery and equipment and renewable energy.
Ministry may offer Kuin students transfer option
Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin said yesterday that they would move in to help the students once the matter was investigated.
"It is a normal procedure for the ministry. We will look into transferring the students should their studies be affected and find alternative venues for them.
"However, the ministry has yet to discover the true cause of the problem and no further steps will be taken until the cause is found," he said at a research grant presentation ceremony, here. The minister said they would also look into the issues surrounding the peaceful assembly staged by the staff last Tuesday.
"We will sit down and talk with Kuin authorities, the staff, and the student representatives to decide on how to resolve the problem," he said, adding that they would have the discussion soon. Khaled reiterated that the ministry would have to analyse the actual cause of the problem first.
He said the ministry would not get involved if the matter was merely due to animosity between the staff and the rector. Kuin rector Prof Datuk Dr Jamil Osman had come under fire after his staff had complained that he had failed to ensure the welfare of both the workers and the students.
They claimed that although their employer had deducted their salaries for car, insurance, personal and housing loans, the money did not reach the respective creditors. The state-owned institution also made news in February, when the students held a protest demanding that the rector be replaced and Kuin be declared free of the Universities and University Colleges Act.
The students also accused the management of not providing them proper accommodation. Kedah Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Azizan Abdul Razak yesterday insisted, however, that there were no problems with the management and that the issue was over-politicised.
Khaled also said they would look into relocating other university students who were facing problems with the management. "We will look into placing them in other more suitable institutions." It was reported yesterday that 500 students from a private nursing college were left stranded when their college closed its operations due to management problems.
What Game Is Ng Phaik Kheng Playing?
The media also failed to get a clear answer from Lim Guan Eng on the matter because Guan Eng too, is just an ordinary man who aren't gentleman enough to admit having an affair to his wife, what more to the world.
Only Chua Soi Lek did that, with pure regret and humility, for he is a real man who is wise and strong enough to admit his mistake and try to mend them. He accepts all criticism for he had wronged. And he is clearly forgiven.
From Betty's reaction, who seemed angry, hurt and humiliated, the people can't help but take it that the scandal is true. If Betty is expecting empathy from the people for being caught in such awkward and difficult situation, she is wrong. Women may sympathize her but as the rakyat, they still want answers because Betty is not just another woman, she is a politician and the wife of Penang Chief Minister. Betty's reaction only leads the matter on and on and risen the curiosity.
Since Betty has surrendered, and Guan Eng chooses to turn away, the people now turn to Phaik Kheng for a clear the air. So far, Phaik Kheng has been acting like a politician by brushing off the questions and refusing to give a straight answer.
By right, Phaik Kheng shouldn't act like one as she is no politician nor is she working for one anymore. After she was asked to leave her job as Guan Eng's special assistant, she becomes the Head of Education Affairs Department in a private school in Penang.
It should be very easy for Phaik Kheng to give us a straight answer to a very straight question that is, whether or not she is or she was the mistress of the CM?
A 'no comment' answer given by Phaik Kheng almost sounds like a Hollywood celebrity being asked about her not very proud moment.
We don't understand why is it so hard for her to say yes or no? Is Phaik Kheng trying to get back to Betty for making her quit her job as assistant to the CM? What game is Phaik Kheng playing? And if this is a game, be sure that someone will lose sooner or later.
Sure enough the Oppositions would claim that this is personal issues that would not affect the people or the state. But, should the table be turned and the same fate befall upon the Prime Minister, or any of BN's ministers, the Oppositions would have made it into a 'life-and-death-national- security' issue. The Oppositions had even created such a similar story complete with fake photos just to shoot down the Prime Minister.
So, we agree that a scandal, be it sex or money, by any politician, is a big issue. The higher the politicians' posts, the bigger issue it is for the people. Guan Eng is a Chief Minister and he is also in the list of the potential Prime Minister as we understand it; so neither he, his wife, nor his alleged mistress, should escape from addressing the matter directly and openly. If the CM and his wife can't handle it, Phaik Kheng must come clean and tell her side of the story like a true, brave lady.
But before that, here's a little advice for Betty: Go ask Wan Azizah about "how to keep a straight face when asked about your husband's scandals".
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Budak hingusan yang tidak tahu untung ini terus menerus bertindak melawan kerajaan seolah-olah mahu dijulang sebagai hero oleh partinya walaupun kepandaiannya adalah hasil biasiswa kerajaan yang diperolehinya melalui Petronas.
Seperti anak-anak muda lain yang pernah dirosakkan Anwar samada dari segi moral atau pemikiran mereka, Rafizi tergolong sebagai salah seorang pencacai beliau yang tersohor.
Malah tindakan Rafizi yang membuat siri pendedahan kononnya kerajaan Barisan Nasional mengamalkan rasuah dalam pentadbirannya sudah dilihat seakan-akan menjurus ke arah meroyan dan fanatik.
Ia bukan lagi untuk mempertahankan integriti atau perjuangan menegakkan kebenaran dan keadilan tetapi telah menjadi satu perlumbaan di kalangan pemimpin pembangkang siapa yang paling banyak membuat pendedahan.
Samada perkara yang didedahkan berlandaskan kepada fakta atau berunsur fitnah dan tohmahan bukanlah satu perkara yang penting.
Yang maha penting bagi pembangkang sesuatu isu itu ada kene mengena dengan kerajaan BN dan lebih beruntung bagi mereka bagi mereka jika isu tersebut mempunyai nilai negatif.
Menghidu sesuatu yang boleh memberi kelebihan politik kepada mereka, pembangkang tidak menunggu lama tetapi terus menerkam untuk menuduh kerajaan dan menconteng imej seburuk yang mungkin.
Tujuannya hanya satu iaitu untuk meraih undi dan simpati rakyat pada pilihan raya umum akan datang dengan harapan dapatlah mereka merasa kerusi empuk di Putrajaya.
Tindakan individu seperti Rafizi bukan didorong oleh perasaan tanggungjawab dan cinta kepada negara tetapi agenda peribadi dan politik yang jijik.
Biar kerajaan Malaysia dan pemimpinnya yang dipilih secara sah oleh rakyat dihina, dicaci dan difitnah, hatta di persada antarabangsa sekali pun, namun pembangkang sedikit pun tidak berasa salah malah mendapat kepuasan luarbiasa daripada perbuatan mereka.
Pernahkah Rafizi terfikir beliau telah melakukan kesalahan dengan melanggar Akta Institusi Kewangan 1989 apabila beliau mendedahkan 21 dikumen yang berkaitan dengan akaun milik NFCorp dengan dibantu oleh seorang kakitangan bank berkenaan yang juga penyokong PKR.
Beliau dengan mudah sekali berkata 'terlupa' untuk menyemak akta tersebut sebelum membuat pendedahan butiran akaun dan menyebarkan salinan kepada pihak media.
Akibatnya, seorang menteri kabinet yang tidak bersalah terpaksa meletak jawatan dan seorang kakitangan bank yang telah berkhidmat 20 tahun serta mempunyai keluarga hilang pekerjaan dan berdepan dengan risiko dipenjara 5 tahun dan denda RM5 juta.
Kini setelah NFC tidak lagi menjadi isu glamer bagi Rafizi dan bosnya, Anwar, maka mereka beralih pula untuk menghentam Perdana Menteri, dengan harapan kejayaan mereka mendesak seorang menteri melepaskan jawatan boleh juga diulangi terhadap Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Semua ini dilakukan berdasarkan pembohongan atau dalam bahasa pakar propaganda 'half truths' yang dipintal atau 'spin' supaya dilihat sebagai 'credible' atau berwibawa dan seterusnya boleh diyakini oleh rakyat.
Objektifnya adalah untuk mngalih pandangan rakyat daripada isu yang lebih besar yang membelenggu pembangkang terutamanya janji-janji yang mereka gagal laksanakan yang dibuat semasa pilihan raa lalu dan skandal kewangan dan rasuah yang terpalit pada pemimpin mereka.
Umpamanya Anwar sehingga kini terus membisu mengenai dakwaan memiliki aset bernilai RM3 bilion dalam 20 akaun besar semasa menjadi Menteri Kewangan ataupun pendedahan video seks dengan seorang pelacur berbangsa Cina.
Azmin Ali pula membisu mengenai pemilikan wang, harta yang aset yang besar serta saham jutaan ringgit di bawah nama isterinya.
Begitu juga di Selangor, Anwar membisu mengenai isu geran Selangorku berjumlah RM300 juta yang dpercayai adalah dana politik PKR yang dicuri daripada perbendahaan negeri.
Hakikatnya semakin banyak isu yang dibongkar oleh pembangkang, semakin rakyat sedar bahawa mereka sebenarnya amat terdesak atau 'desperate' untuk mencari populariti.
Setelah gagal membuktikan kemampuan mereka membela nasib rakyat, pembangkang tidak ada pilihan lain kecuali mereka-reka fitnah terhadap kerajaan dan Perdana Menteri.
Rakyat memerlukan sebuah kerajaan yang menjadi jaguh kebajikan mereka bukannya saudagar yang menjual mimpi dan fantasi yang belum pasti menjadi realiti.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.
Ceramah: Kewajipan bersatu pertahankan Islam
YB Dato' Dr. Hassan Ali
Ustaz Fathul Bari
Tarikh: 06/07/2012
Hari: Jumaat
Masa: 9:00 mlm
Lokasi: No.35, Jalan Sg. Kapar Indah 5A, Tmn Sg. Kapar Indah, Klang.
(Perkarangan Rumah Ustaz Rusdi Long)
Anjuran: IKDDAS & GMS
* Semua dijemput hadir & sebar-sebarkan
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