Selasa, 18 Disember 2012

Melayu Dalam DAP Tetap Hanya Balaci

Kegagalan pemimpin Melayu dalam DAP memperolehi sebarang tempat dalam pemilihan anggota Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Pusat (CEC) semasa Kongress Kebangsaan DAP ke-16 tempohari menyerlahkan lagi betapa sikap perkauman masih menebal dikalangan ahli parti itu.

Pusinglah ikut mana pun, sudah terpampang depan mata rakyat, kewujudan DAP hanya untuk menjaga kepentingan orang Cina yang rasis. Itu hakikat yang tiada siapa mampu nafikan.

Jelas sekali wujud perbezaan ketara dengan propaganda politik yang sering dilaungkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin DAP yang mendakwa parti itu memperjuangkan keadilan, kesaksamaan dan berjuang untuk kepentingan semua kaum.

Penasihat DAP, Lim Kit Siang ketika mengulas perkembangan tersebut pula tak semena-mena menyalahkan liputan meluas oleh media tempatan yang dituduhnya telah dengan sengaja memutar belitkan fakta untuk meniupkan sentimen perkauman.

Sebetulnya tiada pun sebarang putar belit atau pemesongan fakta. Media tempatan hanya melaporkan kebenaran dan Kit Siang sepatutnya sedar hakikat itu apabila melihat sendiri tiada seorang pun pemimpin Melayu yang berjaya menempatkan diri dalam CEC.

Sekalipun Kit Siang bertegas mendakwa parti yang dimonopoli keluarganya itu tetap terbuka kepada semua serta keahliannya disertai pelbagai kaum, realiti semasa menunjukkan pembuat dasar parti hanya berlegar dikalangan orang Cina sahaja.

Rasanya Kit Siang yang pernah terpalit dengan agenda perkauman semasa tragedi 13 Mei 1969 itu belum lagi rabun atau buta kayu untuk melihat semula senarai nama pemenang untuk jawatan CEC hampir kesemuanya terdiri daripada nama-nama Cina kecuali dua tiga nama adalah India dan Sikh.

Nama Melayu? Satu haram pun tiada. Ini menunjukkan sememangnya benar kedudukan orang Melayu dalam DAP hanya sekadar layak untuk dibalacikan sahaja. Itu sahaja, tak lebih dan tak kurang.

Bagi DAP, orang Melayu tiada kelayakan untuk dipilih sebagai pemimpin parti dan imej kepelbagaian kaum parti itu yang cuba ditonjolkan selama ini hanyalah hipokrasi politik sekadar untuk mengumpan undi orang Melayu sahaja.

Benarlah bagai dikata oleh bekas Naib Pengerusi DAP, Tunku Aziz, konsep Malaysian Malaysia yang diperjuangkan oleh DAP kononnya mengutamakan keadilan dan sama rata hanyalah retorik sahaja, sekadar cakap-cakap kosong untuk menyedapkan halwa telinga sahaja.

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AES batal?

Peguam Negara putuskan kaji semula Perlaksanaan AES & arah semua prosiding AES di mahkamah ditangguhkan berkuat kuasa serta merta.
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Calls have been made for PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang to withdraw his edict or amanat made in 1982 which deemed Umno as infidel or kafir.

The edict on the whole stated that separating Islam and administration is unIslamic and since Umno and BN practice such in the country's administration, therefore Umno is infidel.

In short, an Islamic administration does not separate religion and administration unlike practiced in western countries where the church is separated from the country's administration.

So PAS is fundamentalist at that, very Islamic about that and following Islam on that but why is that Kelantan does not follow that?
Why is that in Kelantan the administration still follows the modern admin method left behind by the colonial British and PAS did nothing to change it?

Why was it when PAS ruled Terengganu, the administration was not fully Islamic? Why Kedah ruled by PAS is not totally Islamic?
Given the background of PAS' 'negligence or weaknesses' which do not follow the edict, party members and former party members are calling Abdul Hadi to withdraw or retract his edict.

It is shameful for an Islamic party that does not practice what it preaches, more so when the edict was give out by the very person who is now the party president who boasts nothing but Islamic fundamentalism.

A person who is not shy to hold the position of Prime Minister if the party and its partners in the opposition win the general election.
Hadi's edict, given out in 1982, had stirred political upheavals as Umno lashed back asking for proof which of course, PAS had never has any proof.

Until today, the edict that has not been withdrawn or retracted is being questioned by practicing Muslims all over the country because PAS does not implement as what were written in the edict since it held power in Kelantan and Kedah, and when it held power in Terengganu.

Going by the party's practices in Kelantan and Kedah, the party is also considered hypocrite or munafik or even infidel because it separates the administration of Islam and the state.

In short, PAS does not 'walk its talk', a party that does not know how to govern when given the power, a party that has no professionals experienced enough in administration of both public and Islam.
They can only boasts of possessing people with paper qualifications but without knowledge on true administration in both Islam and public.

So PAS members and former members are now aware and realized their mistakes and they will make amends to go straight which is to follow the true path of Islam by voting out PAS.

By doing so they are actually repenting, making amends the wrongs they did last time and doing the right thing by voting a party that is truly Islamic and following the sunnahs and hadiths which is Umno.

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DAP's CEC List: Malaysian-Malaysia's Style Of Democracy

DAP's National Convention was heavily criticized when Malay leaders, including those who have fought with the party for decades, did not get any place for DAP's Central Executive Committee (CEC).

Being all proud by saying that they are a multi-racial party and fights for 'equal rights', this matter only proves how racist the party really is.

DAP however, tried to defend themselves by saying that the result of the election is democratic and it should be well accepted by everyone and that they are not racist as they accept members from various races. Even a few PAS and PKR supporters defend DAP by accusing BN for being more racist for segregating races according to component parties.

It seems that this gang of PR has fail to understand the basic ideology of politics in all parties in Malaysia, including their own parties. UMNO, MCA and MIC are different parties, but they work under one roof, Barisan Nasional. Three of these parties often move as one, under the same leadership and they hold onto the same mission based on mutual understanding and racial tolerance which was reached during our Independence.

However, DAP rejects the concept of tolerance, as well as the constitution where they only fight to change Malaysia to be a Secular Country so that they could abolish Bumiputera rights, two of the most important things for Malay Muslims. All of those are being put into a concept known as Malaysian-Malaysia. They are saying that through the aspiration, Malaysians would then really unite and rakyat would accept a non-Malay Prime Minister.

If we are to see this in a glance, the ambition does seem clean. But if we are to really look into their records and their fights, it is obvious that they are not really fighting for a Malaysian-Malaysia where everyone gets equal rights. Instead, they are fighting for the Chinese, so that they could dominate the economy, as well as the country's politics, in total.

Their reluctance to segregate all races through vernacular schools, their refusal to acknowledge the National language, rejecting tradition wear in Dewan Undangan Negeri only because it has elements of Malay Muslim, they even seem reluctant to acknowledge Malay Royals, which only prove their real intention.

All of these can be seen through the discussions made through their NGOs and their supporters from social networking sites. Even though DAP kept on denying all the claims, their chauvinistic, racist and kiasu mindset can clearly be seen from the way they rule Penang.

The history of May 13 showed how DAP really think of Malays. All the hate chants of wanting to chase out Malays, wanting to take over Tanah Melayu, DAP is trying their best to wipe off those bad things from this country's history.

Denying all of the claims only to show that DAP is not racist would not mean a thing if the Chinese kept on being all kiasu. This Malaysian-Malaysia democracy style which is inspired by Guan Eng would also not mean a thing as long as the party is being controlled by families and friends of an iron-fist dynasty.

That is why, it is a tragic to see those Malays who still look up to DAP even though it is clear that DAP do not even care about them.
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Mahkamah putuskan esok sama ada perbicaraan Husam saman blogger diteruskan

Mahkamah Tinggi Kuantan hari ini menetapkan esok untuk memutuskan sama ada untuk meneruskan perbicaraan kes saman fitnah RM5 juta oleh Naib Presiden PAS, Datuk Husam Musa terhadap penulis blog, Kickdefella berhubung penyiaran artikel didakwa berunsur fitnah.

Hakim Datuk Mariana Yahya membuat keputusan itu di dalam kamar selepas peguam mewakili Husam dan responden dalam kes berkenaan menyatakan hasrat mencari jalan penyelesaian di luar mahkamah.

Sememangnya Husam tidak sanggup untuk meneruskan kes di mahkamah kerana takut kalah seperti kes saman. Husam vs RBF.

Begitu juga kes Husam vs Papa Gomo dan Husam vs Parpukari tidak akan diteruskan, percayalah.
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Kelentong Anwar di Tapah 17 Dis 2012

Malam tadi di Tapah Anwar meneruskan agenda pembohongannya.

Antara kata Anwar ialah ;

Harga barang naik, kerja tak ada, tanah orang asli pun Umno rampas, camera AES untungkan kroni, negeri Perak kaya, tanah banyak tetapi orang nak buat rumah pun susah.

Balak Umno sapu, lembu Umno sapu, Saham Bumi Umno ambil.

Gaji menteri sebulan RM 80 ribu tarak malu, ambil orang punya wang.

Anwar juga hina lagu Anak kecil Main Api , lagu ciptaan Prof Dr Tan Sri Nordin Kardi, Lagu ini dulu pun Anwar menyanyi semasa dia jadi orang kuat program BTN.

Anwar saperti biasa akan turunkan harga minyak, hapuskan PTPTN.

Anwar kata dia jadi menteri kewangan negara tak ada hutang tetapi Najib jadi menteri hutang negara RM 549 billion.

Anwar kata anak Cina dapat 13 A SPM tak dapat masuk IPTA kalau dia jadi PM semua orang boleh masuk U.

Anwar! Pooooorah
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Allah telah tunjukkan kesesatan Pas

Baru-baru ini Hadi Awang terang-terang telah memalukan Pas dan pengikutnya.

Apa kata Hadi?

Sanggup terima sesiapa saja jadi ahli, termasuk kawarij, wahabi, syiah dll.

Inilah Pas yang sesat dan tak boleh diikut, patutlah Nik Aziz sanggup berkawan dengan setan dan iblis asalkan boleh bantu menang pilihan raya.

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Allah telah tunjukkan kesesatan Pas

Baru-baru ini Hadi Awang terang-terang telah memalukan Pas dan pengikutnya.

Apa kata Hadi?

Sanggup terima sesiapa saja jadi ahli, termasuk kawarij, wahabi, syiah dll.

Inilah Pas yang sesat dan tak boleh diikut, patutlah Nik Aziz sanggup berkawan dengan setan dan iblis asalkan boleh bantu menang pilihan raya.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.