Jumaat, 8 Jun 2012

Anwar Menjemput Bala Bila Menghasut Pelajar Tidak Bayar Pinjaman PTPTN

Pendedahan oleh akhbar Cina, Sin Chew Daily pada 4 Jun 2012 yang lepas berkenaan hasutan Anwar supaya peminjam PTPTN tidak membayar hutang mereka ternyata hanyalah satu janji populis yang tidak berpijak di bumi nyata.

Dalam ceramahnya bersama Lim Guan Eng itu, Anwar yang juga Penasihat Ekonomi Selangor turut menjanjikan PTPTN akan dihapuskan dalam jangka masa setahun selepas peralihan kerajaan pusat sekiranya pakatan pembangkang memenangi pilihanraya umum ke 13 kelak.

Konon hendak diganti dengan pendidikan serba percuma. Walhal Anwar lupa, Yayasan Selangor milik kerajaan Selangor hingga kini telah menutup pusat pendidikan kemahiran serta asrama kediaman pelajarnya.

Mana logiknya untuk Anwar mempraktikkan pendidikan percuma? Kontradik & memualkan sekali, tidak begitu?

Zaman sekarang sudah ramai yang buka mata dan bijak berfikir jauh ke depan. Tak semudah dan sewenang-wenangnya untuk Anwar terus menjual temberang dan mengabui mata rakyat.

Omong kosong dan propaganda murahan seperti yang kerap di usung oleh Anwar dan pakatan pembangkang sudah dianggap seperti gebang penjual ubat & makjun kesihatan di jalanan. Seronok untuk di dengar tapi mudarat untuk di guna pakai.

Dari sudut lain pula, bukankah bila pinjaman yang sudah dimeterai perjanjian kontrak dan terma syaratnya dipersetujui, apabila sengaja dilanggar memperlihatkan sikap tidak bertanggungjawab? Walhal, jika PTPTN itu membebankan, lebih baik dari awal lagi dijauhi.

Anwar lupa, majoriti rakyat Malaysia bukannya sebodoh pemuja dan pengikutnya. Baik Melayu, Cina, India, kadazan, Iban dan apa saja kaum di bumi bertuah ini amat jelas resam bila berhutang menjadi kewajipan pula untuk patuh pada perjanjian pembayaran semula.

Tanyalah siapa saja yang waras fikirannya, mereka akan bercakap perkara yang sama - hutang wajib dibayar.

Waima kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang yang ditadbir oleh DAP hingga kini terus aktif memburu ratusan rakyatnya yang gagal membayar semula wang pinjaman pendidikan yayasan negeri, mana mungkin untuk rakyat meyakini temberang dan hasutan Anwar.

Namun apabila Anwar menghasut rakyat khususnya para pelajar mengingkari bayaran semula pinjaman PTPTN, itu jelas menonjolkan sikapnya tidak bertanggungjawab seorang pemimpin.

Jelaslah, Anwar sebetulnya hanya menjemput bala apabila menggesa peminjam mengabaikan tanggungjawab membayar semula pinjaman.

Rakyat Malaysia tidak mungkin sanggup membiarkan tanahair ini diserahkan kepada Anwar dan pembangkang yang tiada sikap cakna dan tanggungjawab.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Anwar perguna nama tokoh dunia

PENULIS ialah bekas Pengarang Utusan Melayu

KETUA Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada malam 2 Jun lalu seolah-olah melancarkan "perang" kempen Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13) biarpun tarikh pilihan raya belum diumumkan. Anwar melancar perang itu di Guar Perahu yang terletak di Parlimen Permatang Pauh kawasan tradisi yang diwakilinya sejak bergerak aktif sebagai pemain politik.

Parlimen Permatang Pauh diambil alih oleh isterinya, Datuk Seri Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail selaku Presiden PKR beberapa penggal semasa Anwar menjalani hukuman di Penjara Sungai Buluh atas kesalahan pecah amanah. Seperti DAP, PKR juga dimonopoli oleh anak-beranak Anwar selaku Ketua Umum parti itu tanpa melalui proses pertandingan?

Permatang Pauh bagi Anwar samalah dengan Parlimen Pekan, Pahang yang diwakili oleh Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak yang diwarisi daripada bapanya, Perdana Menteri Kedua Allahyarham Tun Abdul Razak Hussain. Begitu juga sama Parlimen Gua Musang dengan Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah dan mantan PM, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad dengan Parlimen Kubang Pasu dulunya. Kini Dr. Mahathir telah mengisytiharkan diri bersara daripada politik tetapi kelihatan masih aktif berceramah di sana sini?

Apa yang mungkin menarik kalangan orang politik bukan sahaja di Permatang Pauh ialah tentang usaha Anwar mengangkat diri sendiri dengan mengaitkan dirinya dengan tokoh-tokoh pemimpin dunia termasuk Perdana Menteri baru Turki, Pemimpin Hamas, tokoh Islam Yusof Qaradawi dan waris kepada tokoh negarawan dan Bapa India, Mahatma Ghandi.

Daripada segi imej dan implikasi politiknya, apakah Anwar tidak percaya dengan kebolehan dan ketokohan sendiri. Kenapa beliau mengheret nama beberapa pemimpin dunia luar bagi membantu ceramahnya?

Ceramah tersebut yang lengkap dengan tayangan slide di layar gergasi dijadikan sebagai latar belakang pentas tempat dia berceramah. Aksi itu sebenarnya lebih mirip kepada lakonan solo pementasan teater.

Ceramah itu dirakamkan oleh blog KedahKini, tidak pula menunjukkan orang ramai dan barisan pemimpin pakatan pembangkang yang hadir. Namun para pemimpin lain termasuk Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng dijemput menampilkan diri bersama Anwar dipentas selepas ceramah berakhir.

Dalam hubungan ini, saya teringat kepada seorang blogger dalam tulisannya menyifatkan Anwar sebagai pelakon handalan yang sepatutnya mendapat anugerah sebagai "Pelakon Terbaik" kerana pandai berlakon, petah bercakap, mengata dan bermacam-macam tohmah yang dilemparkan kepada kerajaan khususnya PM Najib yang mendapat kecaman dan menjadi sasaran paling buruk darinya.

Dia bukan sahaja memperlecehkan semua dasar kerajaan sekarang kerana tidak menurunkan harga minyak, menghapuskan PTPTN dengan memberikan pendidikan tinggi percuma malah Anwar juga menyentuh soal-soal pribadi yang melibatkan Najib dan isterinya, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.

Ia lebih bersifat satu tohmahan dan persepsi kerana isu-isu yang ditimbulkan itu tidak pernah didakwa atau dibawa untuk pengadilan di mahkamah misalnya.

Itulah kelebihan dan kepandaian tokoh pembangkang bernama Anwar Ibrahim dalam mereka-reka cerita yang berupa tohmahan disampaikan kepada rakyat seolah-olah isu yang dibangkitkan itu "real" dan telah melalui proses pendakwaan undang-undang dan hukuman oleh mahkamah?

Malah pada satu peringkat yang mungkin menggelikan hati rakyat dan orang ramai yang datang mendengar ceramah itu, bila Anwar bermonolog siap dengan dialog khayalan ciptaannya sendiri bila dia berjaya kononnya menjadi Perdana Menteri selepas PRU-13 dan Najib digambarkan sebagai Ketua Pembangkang gelaran yang disandangnya sekarang.

Dia memberikan gambaran Najib seolah-olah tergagap tidak dapat menjawab dan cuba melarikan diri bila ditanya oleh para wartawan tentang pengumuman yang dibuat oleh beliau sebagai PM baru ketika mengumumkan penurunan harga minyak di Parlimen sehari selepas dia mengambil alih pentadbiran negara ini?

Ura-ura pembangkang untuk menurunkan harga minyak pada keesokan harinya sebaik-baik mereka berjaya memenangi pilihan raya dan memerintah negara bukan perkara baru yang pernah dijanjikan pakatan pembangkang dalam manifesto kempen PRU-12 pada 2008 lalu?

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Dari Mana Phonm Penh Post Ini Datang?

ISU yang hebat dimainkan media pro pembangkang mutakhir ini ialah berkaitan dengan tulisan seorang wartawan Roger Mitton dari akhbar Phonm Penh Post berhubung skandal Scorpene dan pembunuhan Altantunya.

Naik muak pun ada bercakap benda yang hampir sama sejak 5 tahun lepas tapi memikirkan Hospital Bahagia belum ada ubat untuk mengatasi penyakit mental yang seumpama ini, maka jadi tanggungjawab penulislah untuk menerangkan kepada rakyat Malaysia tentang penipuan yang cuba disebarkan si benak-benak otak dalam Pakatan Rakyat ini.

Penulis suka nak memulakan tentang akhbar Phonm Penh Post ini.

Phonm Penh Post adalah akhbar berbahasa Inggeris dari Kemboja atau dalam bahasa Inggerisnya Cambodia. Cambodia pula adalah antara negara termiskin di Asia Tenggara, dan tidak pernah kita dengar Cambodia menjadi pusat rujukan agensi-agensi berita terkemuka di dunia seperti Reuters, AFP dan sebagainya. Penulis dimaklumkan bahawa di Cambodia sendiri pun, Phonm Penh Post bukanlah akhbar yang terkenal seperti New Strait Times dan The Star disini, maklumlah, dengan kadar buta huruf yang tinggi, berapa kerat saja orang di Cambodia sana nak baca akhbar berbahasa Inggeris.

Tujuan penulis menyebutkan ini bukan dengan maksud menghina, tapi nak menggambarkan bahawa betapa kecilnya akhbar ini dibanding dengan agensi berita antarabangsa yang lain.

Jadi siapa Phnom Penh Post ini dan apa layaknya untuk bercakap tentang masalah di Malaysia, nak cakap pasal kapal selam? Cambodia pun tak memiliki waima sebijik kapal selam untuk membolehkannya mengalami sendiri pengalaman membeli dan menguruskan peralatan ketenteraan tersebut dari perspektif yang betul. Justeru, rujukannya penulis rasa lebih banyak dari apa yang dipapar dan ditulis di Internet semata-mata, bukan berdasarkan fakta sebenar.

Tidak hairan kenapa banyak fakta dalam artikel tersebut yang salah dan menyerong dari hal yang sebenarnya berlaku (atau yang sekurang-kurangnya kita tahu berlaku, berdasarkan laporan dari Mahkamah dan sebagainya). Malah kalau boleh disebutkan disini sudah outdated.

Tapi semua itu nampaknya tidak menghalang balaci pembangkang untuk mensensasikan berita ini ke tahap tertinggi, atau tahap dewa mengikut bahasa yang biasa disebut. Tidak pedulilah kalau berita itu betul atau tidak, asalkan ada kaitan dengan pembohongan yang rancak disensasikan mereka di negara ini, sudah cukup sesuai untuk dijadikan isu.

Ini bukan rendah lagi dah, tapi sudah ke tahap jatuh jauh ke bawah kualiti blogger dan facebooker pembangkang apabila berita dari sumber yang tidak kuat pun diangkat menjadi isu sensasi. Kalau maklumat dalamnya itu benar, boleh tahan, ini banyak yang salah.

Contohnya dakwaan Altantunya pernah berjumpa dengan Datuk Seri Najib di Paris dan 'komisen' yang dibayar kepada Perimekar

Umum tahu, Datuk Seri Najib sudah 4 kali bersumpah tidak pernah mengenali dan berjumpa dengan Altantunya (secara peribadi). Sengaja disebutkan 'secara peribadi' disitu sebab penulis sendiri sudah beberapa kali berjumpa dengan Perdana Menteri – tidak bermaksud beliau mengenali penulis. Begitu juga dengan Pakcik Hasan di Muar, Ah Lok di Kuala Lumpur dan Makcik Bedah di Kuching, kalau nak disebutkan ramai, beratus ribu kalau tak berjuta orang yang sudah berjumpa dengan Datuk Najib, tapi tak semuanya dikenali pemimpin nombor satu negara itu.

Sebagai orang Islam pula, tidak ada sebab kenapa penulis nak menolak pengakuan bersumpah Datuk Najib itu, lagipun selain 'air liur' adakah apa-apa sumber lagi yang boleh mengesahkan pertemuan tersebut? Setakat gambar yang di super imposedkan itu tak payahlah, buang masa.

Kalau Roger Mitton dan Phonm Penh Post terlalu jahil untuk faham kepentingan disebalik sumpah, berlambak sumber di internet akan penafian Datuk Najib yang beliau pernah berjumpa dengan mendiang. Itu pun sudah lebih dari cukup, tapi hairan, masih lagi menjadi bahan tulisannya.

Isu komisen ini juga sudah berulang kali disebut dalam persidangan Parlimen Malaysia dan disiarkan di media antarabangsa.

Perimekar bukan orang tengah sehingga nak dibayar komisen, Perimekar adalah syarikat yang menyediakan perkhidmatan sokongan dan penyelenggaraan kepada operasi 2 buah kapal selam yang dibeli kerajaan Malaysia selama 6 tahun. Termasuk kos latihan dan sara hidup anak-anak kapal serta keluarga mereka sepanjang beberapa tahun mereka berada di Perancis.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Roger Mitton and his fictional submarine report

Roger Mitton, a regional reporter in Pnom Penh Post, Cambodia wrote, 'Submarine deal resurfaces to haunt Malaysia's top man'. For a reporter to repeat a script that was scrapped by its original writer, Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK) is just pathetic.

RPK, the unstable, coward fugitive who thought of himself as a man of integrity and a hero had confessed openly that he just made up the whole story about the PM's involvement in Altantuya's murder. The murder too, had already gone to trial and none of the evidence could be linked to the PM or the submarines. But obviously, there are some parties who are being haunted by it, or perhaps, by the PM and refuse to accept that there is nothing behind the purchase of the submarines and that the disturbing stories about 'Malaysia's top man' is just downright lies.

Funny that Mitton seems to know a little more than RPK, the original writer himself. For instance, he knows that Altantuya was raped even though her body was blown to pieces.

If only we have the same level of imagination as Mitton's, we would have thought that Mitton is the one actually involved in the murder. This would be the only explaination on how he knows exactly that the girl was raped and what was transpired between Altantuya and Razak Baginda before her death when he only met Razak briefly, once or twice before.

But, Mitton couldn't get his story straight. We can't help but become a bit lost in his article as to whether Altantuya was a mistress of Razak and how did she get involved with the PM. And we can sense that Mitton is being very careful as to only mention an approximate amount of the submarine price, most probably because he didn't even know anything in detail. Sure enough, he didn't know anything because the price and the amount of the bribe keep changing in every version of the story.

The most popular version however, is that the bribe amounted to EURO 114.96 million, which was paid to Perimekar Sdn Bhd, a company owned by either Razak or his wife or the PM's wife or whoever - that even SUARAM, the champion of this scorpene issue, the Malaysians Oppositions or Mitton, can't seem to be able to tell although they know everything else in detail.

The only unchanged version is the one came from the government and the PM himself and had been told again and again in the Parliament. That is the fact that Perimekar Sdn Bhd is a company owned by the Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera (LTAT), Boustead Holdings Berhad and K.S. Ombak Laut Sdn bhd. And that, Perimekar didn't receive any commission or bribe from DCNS, but a payment for the support service and maintenance they provide.

This include, fully furnished homes for the 27 officers, 156 crews and 30 staffs and their families in France and Spain for a period of 6 years.

Perimekar too, is responsible for providing and managing the management office in France and Spain for 6 years.

Then again, Perimekar has to shoulder the cost of their insurance, allowance, travelling, coordination and other relevant expenses in order to ensure smooth operation for 6 years.

I hope Mitton will not try to compare the cost of living in Cambodia against the cost of living in Europe, particularly France. Working out the figures from the alleged amount of 'bribe' that is EURO 114.96 million or RM410.27 million as of the date of the contract that is 5 June 2002, we would find that at least EURO 85 million would be needed for the whole operation, plus EURO 26 million overhead cost, whereby, in the end Perimekar would be left with only about EURO 3 million of profit for this project.

Should all the RM410.27 be paid as a bribe to the PM, or Razak or anybody, then how does Perimekar even continue to exist when they have to bear all the service and maintenance cost of the project? Is Mitton telling us that this company is operating for free?

Maybe Mitton has been living in Cambodia for far too long and longing for a more juicy story. We don't blame Mitton for trying to soothe his boredom.

But I can see that Mitton can be a very good fiction-writer. After this very pathetic write-up, I guess Mitton should seriously consider writing fiction instead. At least, he would be praised for a fiction well-written rather than being ridiculed for a fictionalized report. If there is any consolation for Mitton, at least we are now aware of the existing of a paper called the 'Phnom-Penh Post'.

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Kenapa Media Barat Kalut dengan PRU 13?

Hairan, kenapa Barat sibuk sangat ya? Apakah mereka sudah tak sabar nak tengok pembangkang ambil alih kerajaan?

Pas pun sama juga, nampaknya tak sabar nak menghadapi PRU, sampai dalam ceramah pun Pas dok hentam Datuk Seri Najib kononnya Malaysia mempunyai PM yang tak tahu bila Pru, tambah Pas lagi, orang nak buat kenduri kenduri kahwin pun awal-awal sudah tetapkan tarikh, wanita mengandung pun tahu bila tarikh anak nak keluar, Cukai jalan nak mati pun kita tahu tarikh nya. Ini apa punya Najib , hanya Rosmah sahaja yang tahu bila Pru.  Inilah kata-kata seorang penceramah Pas dalam kempen politiknya.

Lucu kan? Dalam peraturan PRU wajib diadakan setiap 5 tahun sekali, sekarang baru 4 tahun , tempoh tamat tahun depan, 2013. Apa yang riuh-riuh.

Satu lagi ialah 4 buah negeri yang dikuasai Pas, Pkr dan Dap enggan membubarkan Dun mereka, jika dibuat tahun ini. Kata mereka tempoh pemerintahan mereka baru 4 tahun dan masih berbaki 1 tahun lagi, jadi kalau puak-puak pembangkang sendiri enggan membubarkan Dun , kenapa sibuk nak suruh Najib bubarkan Parlimen.

Kita tahu lah, pembangkang nak guna jentera kerajaan negeri untuk memenangkan calon pembangkang.

Pembangkang juga pernah berkata supaya kerajaan tidak menggunakan kemudahan kerajaan dalam pru tetapi mereka sendiri yang ingin menggunakannya.

Buktinya ialah PRK Galas dahulu, TM terserempak dengan sekumpulan kenderaan kerajaan negeri Selangor bersama kakitangan mereka dalam perjalanan ke Gua Musang melalui jalan Cameron Highland - Gua Musang.

So, nak kelentong apa?
Malaysia's Najib seen delaying election, boosting spendingPublished: Thursday, 7 Jun 2012 | 1:49 AM ETText Size
KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters) - Malaysia is planning a fresh round of cash handouts to poorer families in August, government sources said, as Prime Minister Najib Razak likely delays elections until late this year to shore up support among undecided voters.
Two senior officials told Reuters the government is considering giving out payments to 5.2 million low-income households ahead of a Muslim festival in August. Najib would then present a generous election budget in September before announcing an election date, they said.
Speculation has been swirling for a year over the timing of what is expected to be a fiercely fought election, which Najib must call by next March as he seeks to improve on the ruling coalition's dismal showing at the polls four years ago.
A June or July poll had been the favorite, but Najib appears to have calculated that he needs more time -- and more handouts -- to maximize his chances of regaining the two-thirds parliamentary majority that the government lost in 2008.
"The window for October elections is wide open now. This is the next window after July," said one senior government source who declined to be identified.
"This is a risky election and the prime minister does not want to take any chances. He has to prove to the people that the government will be there for them. So he has to balance his reforms with social economic help," he said.
Another government source said one of the suggested dates for the election was October 14, just two weeks after Najib, who is also finance minister, presents the 2013 budget in parliament.
The decision to delay the election carries risks. A worsening global downturn could impact the trade-dependent economy in the coming months, dampening the feel-good factor generated by handouts.
Uncertainty over the timing could also hit the economy as companies hold back on spending, while an overly generous budget would sharpen concerns over Malaysia's chronic budget deficit.
"After September is what we have been told for the timing of the elections," a senior official in the United Malay National Organisation (UMNO), which dominates the Barisan Nasional (BN) ruling coalition, told Reuters on condition of anonymity.
"We are on red alert but nothing is happening for now. The leadership is looking at an election budget to sweeten the deal," the source added.
Fiscal sweeteners this year have included pay rises for civil servants and cash payments for students, adding to strains on finances. Cash handouts to low-income households earlier this year accounted for 2.6 billion ringgit ($821 million) alone.
Fitch ratings agency said this year that Malaysia, which is heavily dependent on oil revenues and whose spending is bloated by food and fuel subsidies, needed structural reforms to narrow a budget deficit that hit about 5.4 percent last year.
The government had aimed to cut the deficit to 4.7 percent this year, but that looks tough to reach as economic growth slows to around 4 percent from last year's 5.1 percent. Najib aims to cut the budget gap to about 3 percent by 2015.
"If they continue dishing out generous handouts, I'm afraid this target will be delayed," said Azrul Azwar Ahmad Tajudin, chief economist at Bank Islam.
Shaun Levine, a Washington-based analyst at political risk research firm Eurasia Group, said Najib may be planning to offer budget goodies to be handed out only if the BN returns to power.
That plan has shades of Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's longest serving prime minister, who in 1999 announced a generous budget and promptly called elections that he won.
"It is a big gamble for Najib," said Levine. "But I think at the end of the day he is looking at the lowest common denominator, basically writing off the larger Chinese vote in favor of the Indian and rural/lower class Malay votes."
Ethnic Chinese voters who make up a quarter of the 28 million population have deserted the BN in recent years, partly due to dissatisfaction over the slow pace of reforms to affirmative-action policies that favor majority ethnic Malays.
Najib has reached out to middle-class, urban voters, many of whom are Chinese, by rolling back repressive security laws. But his reforms have not gone far enough for many and he may end up relying heavily on the BN's traditional support base -- poor majority Malay voters in rural areas.
A survey by the Merdeka Center polling firm last week showed Najib's approval rating fell slightly to 65 percent in May, as a rise in support from Malays helped offset a slide in Chinese and Indian backing.
Despite the three-party opposition's strong gains in the last election, most analysts expect it to fall short of taking over the government. The BN only needs to win nine seats more than it did in 2008 to regain its coveted "super majority".
UMNO's secretary general, Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor, said the mood within the party was upbeat and that Najib had not miscalculated by waiting too long.
"We're expecting a better budget than last year. A budget for the people," he told Reuters.
(Additional reporting by Stuart Grudgings and Siva Sithraputhran; Editing by Stuart Grudgings and Nick Macfie)
(c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2012. Check for restrictions at: http://about.reuters.com/fulllegal.asp

PAS's Himpunan Hijau Is Scaring Chinese

The Chinese are said as a race that is practical and are not emotional, where they look at life in logic, numbers and facts. Because of that, for these few decades, they have stayed loyal to Barisan Nasional because they believe that BN could provide benefit to them.

But, recently, the Chinese believe that all the success that they had gain are made possible with their own blood, sweat and tears, without getting any help from anyone. As if they could be rich even if the country has a leader or not. More than that, they also believe that if the people from their race lead this country, they would be able to get more than what they have now.

Thus, they then placed their bets on Pakatan Rakyat, with hopes that DAP would be a dominant party who would use PKR and PAS. But, their confidence are now going down after PAS organized Himpunan Hijau which showed their new power from a party that fights for Islam. Even though PAS had lost a few Malay voters, Himpunan Hijau PAS somehow clearly showed that they managed to achieve their target, most probably because their leaders are bringing up the issue of hudud again.

Everyone knew that most of PAS's supporters still want to have an Islamic nation and hudud and they take extremism as the perfection of Islam because that is what PAS leaders have been telling them since then, from Hadi Awang that is.

PAS have been promoting extremism to differentiate their party from UMNO. This was done by saying that extreme is how it should be and those who are in UMNO are weak, misguided and kafir.

This understanding has been planted in PAS's supporters for a very long time even though their leaders kept on trying to deny this fact. However, after working along with DAP, PAS finally loosen their objective that they ended up being more open than UMNO.

Today, PAS do not dare to go against those who went murtad and they simply let night clubs and massage parlors blossom just so that they could maintain the harmony in Pakatan Rakyat.

Obviously PAS's new approach have made the Chinese happy, especially DAP. PAS seemed to listen to DAP that they would even let go of their fight to form an Islamic nation. But are they really that weak that they would listen to DAP?

If we are to follow forums, comments and articles that supports PAS, we can find that their hopes in building an Islamic nation and implementing hudud law was never gone. They even denied the statement saying that PAS do not want to establish an Islamic nation and implementing hudud.

All these while, PAS's leaders are in the juncture of between following their supporters who wants Islam and orders from DAP who want them to lose Islam in their fight. But the Himpunan Hijau in Kedah on June 1 had shown the answers to their dilemma. Now, PAS leaders are confident that they are strong to go against DAP's orders.

Even DAP would have realized the impact from Himpunan Hijau, and that they are looking at their own strength to face pressure that might be inflicted by PAS if Pakatan Rakyat gets to Putrajaya.

 Would DAP be able to stop the jihad spirit from PAS? Would their dreams of having a Republic of Malaysia turn to reality if PR do lead? As a chauvinist and racist party, DAP might not be accepted by most non-Chinese rakyat in Malaysia.

Thus, if any conflict do occur in this country during PR leadership, there is a huge chance that people of other races would work together behind PAS to put pressure on DAP even if most of them are not PAS supporters.

DAP might think that they are smart for being able to cause clash between Malays from PAS and UMNO. But they fail to learn from history where they might have made a huge mistake out of this.

An incident in Indonesia where Chinese were slaughtered, raped and violently murdered only because people were not happy with the government. This could just happen in Malaysia, where the scenario is just about the same where the Chinese controls the economy, original population fighting amongst themselves and people are pushing the who society to go against the government.

What is certain, if we are to look at Himpunan Hijau PAS in a different perspective to be compared to other parties in Pakatan Rakyat. A stronger PAS is a lot better for DAP, but PAS that is too strong would be very bad for DAP. As for PAS, they might be able to gain their confidence back, but are they strong enough to face the economic power and racism that is now under the hands of DAP?