Rabu, 31 Julai 2013

DAP’s Vision: Christianity or Communism?

We all know that the DAP has always looked up to the communist insurgents in Malaya and considers them as heroes. The said party also wants to bring back Chin Peng by saying that the communist threat has already passed. To justify their action, the DAP also denied the history of Malaysia by creating stories that favours the communist. They even distribute flyers that say the communist insurgents were part of the independence movement in Malaya. In the same time, they plant the seed of distrust for the government to the people of Malaysia by saying that the current government are denying the contribution of the communist insurgent because of racial policies.
The Chinese who are famous for their racism believe the stories told by the DAP. Many of them were direct descendants of these communist terrorist.
When the Chinese community oppose the National School and opt to go to Chinese National School, the condition became much worst because the Chinese School do not emphasize on the History subject. We are also doubtful whether the subjects are taught the same way as it is taught in national schools. Does it carry the aspiration of the nation or the aspiration of the communist?
Now, the product of these Chinese Schools are leaving their schools and entering adulthood while carrying with them the hatred of Malays and doubting the government. These are the people that we see challenging and provoking Islam and the Malays in the internet. Almost every day there are individuals who intentionally post provocative statements so that the Malays will stand up and retaliate. What is more disgusting is the fact that they are currently asking the Indians to do the same.
Not only that, they are willing to give a lot of money to produce a movie about the heroism of communist during the 14 days of terror that all of us Malaysians have to endure. The movie titled "The New Village" are so controversial and shows that the communist laid their lives for Malayan independence. We believe, many of the students from Chinese Schools has no idea on the truth and believe everything that is said and portrayed in the film is true. They were indoctrinated by their parents and teachers in their Chinese Schools. Plus, the DAP support for the communist is also a factor.
However, it is weird that the DAP is also upholding the aspiration of the Christians. The DAP Christian agenda is no longer a secret as everyone knows the mission of the DAP to abolish the clause which states the word Islam as the religion of the country in the constitution. As a replacement, Christianity will be the official religion of the country and this particular plan is being worked out in Subang Jaya and also Pulau Pinang. A DAP program video that is attended by Christian priest who vowed to ensure that Malaysia will become a Christian nation has also went viral. DAP is also the main party who pushed the government to agree with the usage of the word "Allah" in the Malay version of the Bible.

We consider that this is weird as Christian and Communism are two different worlds all together. The values and faith of Christians are not in line with Communism that puts everyone as the same, and only the ruler or party leader will have absolute power. Meanwhile Christian believes in moral and theological values.
Thus, for the DAP, to be awed by the Communist while still holding to their Christian shows that the DAP themselves do not understand their own mission. Maybe because they are too 'obsessed' with their own race and they hate the Islamic faith and the Malay community, the DAP never take any time off to look back and understand their own struggle.
We are sure that the DAP do not know the history of Communism in Malaysia and all of its detail. They also do not understand Christianity fully. The DAP as most Chinese youth in Malaysia can only talk about shallow issues such as money, promotion, marketing and also entertainment. It is proven that the DAP cannot be asked to participate in an intellectual discourse as their intelligence are not that high. They do not want to dissect the real meaning, the ideology, the philosophy and history.

The truth is how we can hope that all these Chinese youngsters to think intellectually if the leader that they worship is the Bafoon Lim Guan Eng himself. In an attempt to defend the "New Village" movie, Lim Guan Eng revealed that he does not understand the relationship between Malaysia and China that was pioneered by Tun Abdul Razak when he compared the act of the legendary former PM to the action of Malaysia opposing communism.
Guan Eng clearly do not know the meaning of the 1989 peace treaty between the government and the PKM when they considered it as the acceptance of communism. In fact the treaty was to show that the communist had surrendered to the government without any terms.
This is the consequences If you are too emotion addressing an issue. And that is why DAP is a party that is full of hatred. To the DAP, Christianity, Communism and everything else is permitted as long as it is against the religion of Islam and Malay.
If DAP is at the helm of this nation, say our goodbyes to the peace and stability of the country. The nation will not be peaceful or harmonious instead chaos will reign supreme. We want all the future generation to study history so that it can be a reference so that no mistake will be made.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

SKMM akan bertindak

Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) diarah mengambil tindakan terhadap penyebaran satu lagi video dikatakan menghina Islam bertajuk <a target="_blank" href="http://my.news.yahoo.com/skmm-siasat-rakaman-%E2%80%98aidilfitri-bersama-anjing%E2%80%99-002332925.html">'1 Hari Di Hari Raya'</a> yang disiarkan dalam YouTube.

Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datuk Jailani Johari, berkata SKMM diarah menyegerakan siasatan terhadap pemilik video yang dianggap boleh mengganggu sensitiviti Islam itu.

"Saya menerima banyak pertanyaan mengenai hal ini walaupun SKMM belum menerima laporan mengenainya. Oleh itu, saya mengarahkan SKMM untuk menyiasat video itu," katanya ketika dihubungi, hari ini.

Video itu menunjukkan seorang lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Chetz membawa tiga anjingnya bersiar-siar dekat perkarangan masjid dengan suara latar Takbir Raya.

Rakaman itu menunjukkan seorang lelaki berbaju Melayu hitam membasuh kaki anjingnya, kemudian seolah-olah mengambil wuduk dengan membasuh kakinya pula dan mengelap anjingnya sebelum menyediakan kuih raya untuk tiga haiwan itu.

Video berdurasi 1 minit 44 saat itu juga menyiarkan kata-kata "Raikanlah Aidilfitri bersama-sama, tanpa mengira spesis, warna dan asal-usul (dengan menunjukkan gambar tiga anjing itu).

Ia turut memuatkan ucapan "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin dari Chetz sekeluarga" dengan gambar lelaki duduk bersama tiga anjing di sofa.
Sebelum ini, pasangan Alvin Tan dan Vivian Lee didakwa di mahkamah kerana mempersenda Ramadan dan umat Islam dengan memuat naik gambar sedang makan hidangan daging babi, Bak Kut Teh, beserta kapsyen dan logo halal di Facebook.

Chetz seorang wanita pengkid 38 tahun mempertikaikan tindakan mencemuhnya kerana beliau ikhlas dan menyayangi haiwan lebih-lebih anjing. Tambah Chetz, video itu sudah lama dikeluarkan iaitu 2010 dan kenapa baaru sekarang bising.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Petisyen di TOLAK

Mahkamah Pilihan Raya di sini, sebentar tadi menolak petisyen untuk membatalkan keputusan pilihan raya bagi kerusi Parlimen Sepang, Sungai Besar, Kuala Selangor dan Sabak Bernam.

Kesemua kerusi parlimen itu dimenangi oleh calon Barisan Nasional (BN) kecuali bagi kawasan Sepang yang dimenangi calon PAS pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU-13) Mei lalu.

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Yang Pelik, Perlu Disiasat Bukan Pembelian Scorpene Tapi Putar Belit SUARAM

Pembelian kapal selam scorpene tentunya sebuah peristiwa hebat di mana sesuatu yang bukan isu menjadi isu yang sebesar gergarsi dan enggan berhenti.

Ia bermula dengan dengan satu pembohongan yang besar oleh SUARAM dan seperti semua pembohongan ia hanya akan bertambah besar di mana dalam kes ini, ia telah pecah berderai sehingga tidak dapat dipastikan lagi bentuknya yang asal.

Dan hari ini, mungkin kerana ego, SUARAM berazam untuk meneruskan pembohongan itu walaupun mereka sendiri keliru dengan kisah yang mereka reka.  Rakyat Malaysia, secara amnya sudah maklum mengenai kebenarannya dan tidak lagi memberi perhatian kepada SUARAM.

Bagaimanapun ada segelintir yang masih terpedaya dengan persepsi negatif yang ditabur terhadap kerajaan dan terus mempercayai pembohongan SUARAM malah menderma pula untuk tujuan itu.

Di pihak SUARAM pula, mereka tentu sekali perlu memastikan semua ini berterusan.  Untuk itu, mereka menganjurkan makan malam termasuk program buka puasa menyeru orang ramai memberi sumbangan agar mereka dapat terus berbohong.

Kita percaya sumbangan itu akan digunakan sebagai bayaran kepada pihak mereka untuk 'menguruskan pembohongan', termasuk membayar peguam-peguam asing, kos pengangkutan dan penginapan mereka, keraian dan juga pelbagai kos lain.

Kita percaya sumbangan itu akan digunakan sebagai bayaran kepada pihak mereka untuk 'menguruskan pembohongan', termasuk membayar peguam-peguam asing, kos pengangkutan dan penginapan mereka, keraian dan juga pelbagai kos lain.

Tugasnya adalah untuk terus memberitahu rakyat bahawa Altantuya adalah penterjemah dalam urusniaga scorpene dan beliau mempunyai hubungan sulit sama ada dengan Dato' Seri Najib atau Razak Baginda.

Selain itu mereka juga perlu terus berbohong bahawa syarikat DCNS, Thales dan Perimekar, entah bagaimana telah memasukkan wang ke dalam poket Dato' Seri Najib.   Dari situ, mereka harus terus menyatakan bahawa mahkamah Perancis telah membuka fail kes dan beberapa orang bakal disapina.

Tidak apa jika mahkamah Perancis telah membuat kenyataan bahawa kes scorpene tidak wujud sama sekali dan telah ditolak sejak dari mula kerana aduan SUARAM didapati tidak berasas.  Tidak apa jika pihak polis Perancis mengesahkan bahawa Altantuya tidak pernah menjejak kaki ke negara itu dalam tempoh urusniaga berlaku.

Tidak apa jika pegawai syarikat DCNS ketawakan kisah kewujudan penterjemah kerana semua transaksi dilakukan dalam bahasa Inggeris.  Dan tidak apa jika laporan audit syarikat Perimekar telah menunjukkan tiada yang pelik dan tiada satu sen pun wang yang tidak berada di tempatnya.

Tidak apa semua itu, kerana apa yang SUARAM perlu lakukan ialah terus berbohong mengenainya sebagai alasan untuk menganjur program dan meminta sumbangan.  Ini kerana sumbangan itulah satu-satunya cara untuk mereka menjustifikasi perbelanjaan besar yang dilakukan dan akan terus dilakukan oleh pertubuhan itu.

Oleh itu, jika ada sesuatu yang pelik dalam pengurusan kewangan, ia bukanlah dalam pembelian scorpene, tetapi dalam operasi SUARAM.

Bagi meletakkan titik noktah kepada semua pembohongan ini, Jasbir Singh Chahl yang terlibat secara langsung dalam transaksi scorpene telah bersetuju agar kenyataannya diambil dan diterbitkan.  The New Straits Times telah menyiarkan kenyataannya semalam.

Dari kenyataan Jasbir, maka sahlah bahawa tiada teka-teki yang perlu diselesaikan dalam isu pembelian scorpene.  Semuanya berlaku secara telus dan jelas dan SUARAMlah yang sebenarnya berbohong.

Terbukti kini bahawa hayat SUARAM bergantung penuh kepada pembohongan.  Jika pembohongan itu berhenti, maka tamatlah riwayat SUARAM.  Setakat hari ini, boleh dikatakan hampir tiada lagi yang mempercayai SUARAM.  Maka hiduplah SUARAM bagai bangkai bernyawa – berbohong untuk terus mendapat dana dan mengutip derma.

Dr Muslim Umar

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